Reports by Citizens | Page 19 | SafelyHome


Reports by Citizens

Illegal Parking Bella Rosa Street

Reported: 2023-11-30

Vehicle are parking on the red lines at 1-7 Bella Rosa obstructing traffic flow.

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Turfhall Road

Reported: 2023-11-28

Crossing solid white line. Driving wrong side of road. Running red light

Illegal Parking

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-11-27

This girl repeatedly parks in this no parking zone, obstructing traffic in the road.

Illegal Parking Amsterdam hof, 19 provident south Street.

Reported: 2023-11-27

The Yaris is illegally parked on the yellow line blocking my entry to my garage.

Inconsiderate (Legal) Parking Berkshire & West Coast Road

Reported: 2023-11-27

Stopping in a single lane, obstructing normal traffic flow

Illegal Parking Glendale close

Reported: 2023-11-25

Cars parked on a daily bases especially over the weekends from the bend into the road in the incoming and outgoing lane causing the roads to be blocked.obstructing the road for neighbours entering or exiting the street

Other John Street

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-11-24

This car always blasts loud music in the street, and in the evenings. I've called the police several times about this. Especially at night and in afternoons, this car parks across the road and blasts loud bassy music. I am losing my mind.

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Jan Smuts Drive

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-11-24

The lights in Jan Smuts at the intersection with Welwyn Avenue were off due to load shedding, the taxi flew through the intersection at speed (at least 60 kmh). A pedestrian who was about to cross the intersection, had to stop.

Illegal Parking 49 Cavendish street, Woodstock, Cape Town

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-11-24

Vehicle parking illegally infringing homes gate preventing access and exit.

Reckless Driving Van riebeek road

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-11-24

The bakkie recklessly cut Infront of me without indication which he almost drove into me.
