Reports by Citizens | SafelyHome

Reports by Citizens

Reckless Driving victoria drive/valley road intersection at the traffic circle

Hout Bay
Reported: 2024-02-15

Taxi driver was too impatient to wait in the traffic on Valley Road and drove past about 15 cars along Valley road in the wrong direction - almost drove into me. Luckily I was driving slowly exiting the circle into Valley Road.

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Victoria road

Hout Bay
Reported: 2023-09-29

Taxi overtaking cars queuing at traffic lights on solid line into oncoming traffic

2023-10-02 13:45 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Illegal Parking 1 Peterhof Close

Hout Bay
Reported: 2022-11-02

Commercial trailer & 6 boats parked here for more than 300 days. owner refuse move it is blocking the road. vehicle is parked close up against my driveway I can’t reverse out of my property because the space is very tight. My visibility is obstruct

Inconsiderate Driving - Public Transport M63 Hout Bay nek

Hout Bay
Reported: 2022-07-22

Driving in pedestrian walk way to circumvent traffic, hooting at pedastrians nearly nicked over cyclist commuting home.

Illegal Parking 28 Victoria Ave

Hout Bay
Reported: 2022-03-18

Illegal parking on a red line in front of a fire hydrant, blocking business driveway. Extremely abusive, violent behaviour.

Illegal Parking Leeukoppie Road

Hout Bay
Reported: 2021-02-13

The vehicle is parked next to a red line, in the middle of the road facing the wrong direction on a blind corner. It is extremely dangerous and inconsiderate.

Illegal Parking Atlantic skipper Panorama Hill

Hout Bay
Reported: 2020-04-09

Parked on both our parkings now I cannot park in my parking and if I park in another parking I will also be parking illegal

Reckless Driving Victoria Avenue

Hout Bay
Reported: 2017-10-31

I was coming from Llandudno with 4 schoolgirls in my car. The light turned green for me and the cars coming from Cape town had all stopped. As I started forward a Mazda bakkie raced through the red light in the lane for turning to Llandudno .

2017-10-31 16:15 Your report has been forwarded on to the relevant traffic services.

Reckless Driving Victoria and Llandudno just before the lights

Hout Bay
Reported: 2017-03-20

Driver of Jeep cut me off in left hand turn only lane by cutting in front of me as I approached on my tandem with my young daughter as the 2nd person. I had to brake and swerve to avoid him. Video attached.

Reckless Driving Llandudno Road

Hout Bay
Reported: 2017-03-15

Dangerous close passing of cyclist. Touched my right arm as he passed.

2017-03-16 07:15 Good day Mr Mr Booth, I will send your complaint through to City of Cape Traffic Department to deal with the matter.
