Cyclists and motorists must be considerate and share the road safely. Cyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as drivers.
Safety Tips for Cyclists:
- Make use of pedal cycle lanes where these are available.
- Keep as close as possible to the left edge of the roadway.
- Obey the traffic signs and signals.
- Ride with traffic, not against it.
- Watch out for the opening of car doors in your path.
- Be visible. Wear bright coloured clothing at daytime. At night, wear reflective clothing.
- Fit and use effective front and rear lights when riding in hours of darkness and when visibility is limited.
- Use hand signals when turning or changing lanes.
- Be aware of hazardous road conditions.
- Be aware of other road users, especially at intersections.
- Ride in a straight line.
- Wear a helmet that fits properly.
- Never ride with headphones.
Safety Tips for Drivers:
- Yield to cyclists, especially at intersections.
- Leave a distance between the motor vehicle and the cyclist of at least one metre.
- Check your blind spots and look before opening the car door.
- Do not drive, stop or park in a bicycle lane.