Reports by Citizens | Page 32 | SafelyHome

Reports by Citizens

Illegal Parking 74 Queen Victoria

Cape Town
Reported: 2021-09-24

It’s obstructing the building driveway. There are a number of cars illegally parked making it difficult to access and leave the apartment building

Illegal Parking Queen Victoria St

Cape Town
Reported: 2021-09-22

Obstructing driveway

Illegal Parking Queen Victoria St

Cape Town
Reported: 2021-09-22

Obstructing driveway

Illegal Parking Queen Victoria Street

Cape Town
Reported: 2021-09-12

This car has been obstructing St Martini Gadens garage for a week now. Please tow

Illegal Parking 74 Queen Victoria road

Cape Town
Reported: 2021-09-09

The car is blocking the driveway and is parked on a yellow line. It has been parked there for a few days and it is dangerous for people leaving and entering the garage for the apartment building. Please clamp it or tow it away

Illegal Parking Kelvin

Cape Town
Reported: 2021-09-04

This car seems to be abandoned and has not moved in months. It has an expired license disk

Illegal Parking Arum Lilly Street, Durbanville industria

Reported: 2021-08-31

Various vehicle park on the pedestrian walkway daily, we have raised it with the owners but no one adheres to our request and they drive through our garden

Illegal Parking 170 Ocean View Drive, Rosario, Bay 10

Cape Town
Reported: 2021-08-21

Illegally parked at apartment complex. Blocking owners bay.

Illegal Parking Stadler road

Reported: 2021-08-15

Woman parked illegally, preventing access to the area behind the building.

Illegal Parking 211 Fagan Street

Reported: 2021-08-07

The above-mentioned vehicle obstructs the flow of traffic in the narrow street mentioned above.It parks half on the pavement and half in street and causes vehicles to not have free flowing access when turning into Fagan from Thompson Street.
