Reports by Citizens | Page 56 | SafelyHome


Reports by Citizens

Illegal Parking Kort Street

Cape Town
Reported: 2016-12-10

illegally parked cars, on yellow lines

Illegal Parking 53 Waaihoek Road

Reported: 2016-12-09

On Saturday, 9 December 2016 a car parked in my driveway - locking our car in the garage. I asked them to remove the vehicle from the driveway. The guy driving refused and wanted to throw out the windows of my house and hitting me

Illegal Parking Hill Road

Cape Town
Reported: 2016-12-07

This is the second day that this vehicle has parked in the same spot.

Illegal Parking Hill Road

Cape Town
Reported: 2016-12-06

This vehicle was illegally parked for more than two hours. I drove around it when I came home at 16:30. When I looked out at 19:00 it was still there, with the driver standing nearby.

Illegal Parking Strand Street

Cape Town
Reported: 2016-12-01

Blocking the lane.

Illegal Parking Antionette Street

Reported: 2016-11-22

Above cars still parked at the intersection of Antionette and Hannes Louw Drive at 15:30. Black quantum (dragon5-WP) making a gelivery of cold-drinks to Green Grocer - NOT using the designated loading zone

Illegal Parking Planet fitness, off Silwerboom avenue

Reported: 2016-11-01

Person illegally parked in a disabled bay at Planet Fitness gym

Illegal Parking 17 Buiten street

Cape Town
Reported: 2016-09-12

This driver consistently parks in a loading zone outside our Business and we are not able to use it for delivery/business use

Illegal Parking 17 Buiten street

Cape Town
Reported: 2016-09-07

This vehicle consistently parks in a loading zone outside my place of work. We are therefore, not able to use our loading zone for business purposes.

Illegal Parking Main road

Fish Hoek
Reported: 2016-07-14

The deiver reversed back along the ledt hand lane. Pulle into the right hand lane, stopping traffic. And parked. All because he didnt qant to wait at the stop n go in Kalk Bay. Seems he's gone for dinner at Harbour House.
