Reports by Citizens | SafelyHome

Reports by Citizens

Other N7 exit 13B

Reported: 2023-03-09

This vehicle cut the line and drove over a solid line to skip the queue of waiting vehicles. Are you going to do something about all my complaints or must I deal with it?

Other N7 Exit 13B

Reported: 2023-03-09

vehicle slowed down in the left hand straight lane almost causing an accident with a truck and a bike behind him to be able to skip the queue that takes the exit. A traffic officer needs to be there to fine these guys.

Other N7 exit 13B

Reported: 2023-03-03

This vehicle cut the queue of traffic, crossed a solid line and almost caused and accident with a truck which could result in unnecessary fatalities. Please station a traffic official there to fine these people

Other N7

Reported: 2023-03-03

This vehicle cut the queue of traffic and crossed the solid line. Inconsiderate, reckless and illegal driving. This happened at exit 13b can traffic officials please be placed there next week to fine these culprits

Other Viking Way

Reported: 2023-02-06

The vehicle did not have (or did not use) any working indicator lights and no brake lights at all. I drove behind this man on my way to work and had to reply on the brake lights on the car in front of him to see when traffic slows down suddenly.