Reports by Citizens | Page 185 | SafelyHome


Reports by Citizens

Reckless Driving Wemmershoek Road

Reported: 2014-04-27

Driving over the speed limit and passing on a solid white line.

Reckless Driving N2

Reported: 2014-04-16

Very aggressive driving. Push me off the road so that he can pass by flashing his headlights and driving on my back. Also overtook on solid lines multiple times and sped through the 60km/h zone in Sedgefield. Displayed various hand signs to drivers.

Other Vanguard Drive

Reported: 2014-04-05

As I was standing waiting for my turn to drive I saw in my rear view mirror, how fast this car was coming on directly behind me, I heard the brakes screaming and next thing I know this car drives into mine, please see pictures attached

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Jan Smuts Drive

Cape Town
Reported: 2014-04-01

Was behind me when stopping for red light. Taxi then overtook in straight only lane, and went through red light, turning in front of me. If I had continued we would have collided.

Other Longmarket street

Cape Town
Reported: 2014-03-28

Unroadworthy vehicle spotted. Also missing a front license number.

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Intersection of Broadway Boulevard and Broadlands Rd

Reported: 2014-03-25

I stopped at the RED traffic light at the intersection of Broadway and Broadlands,The taxi approached the intersection from Strand, slowed down and started crossing the intersection while the traffic light was still red, constantly using his hooter

Inconsiderate Driving - Public Transport Parklands Main Road

Reported: 2014-03-20

This taxi was driving down Parklands Main rd in front of me, hooting at potential customers at an ungodly hour of the morning (6am). Parklands Main Rd is lined with high density residences and this driver disturbed I don't know how many people.

Inconsiderate Driving - Public Transport Adderley street

Cape Town
Reported: 2014-03-13

Driver speeding

Reckless Driving ,N2

Reported: 2014-03-08

Vehicle approached with high speed and flashing lights, trying to pass on the left hand side and was driving agressively behind us. Road was very busy at the time.

Other Christiaan Barnard Str & Table Bay Blvd

Cape Town
Reported: 2014-03-05

Hit & Run-On bicycle in of far left (Right turn/straight lane) of Christiaan Barnard St. Signalled turning right, car behind gave way. Black scooter came between lanes around car & blindsided me & proceeded straight & did not stop. Was knocked off.
