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Reports by Citizens

Illegal Parking Dreyer Rd

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-12-21

Vehicle obstructs road and multiple driveways daily between 07h00-18h00. Vehicle owner parks and leaves to visits another property 3-5 houses away from vehicle.

2018-12-22 12:30 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence. We’ve sent through your report to the traffic authorities within the various Western Cape Traffic Services divisions.

Illegal Parking Kloof Street

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-11-19

Parked halfway into the road on a blind corner. This vehicle is forcing traffic into the next lane over a solid white line whilst simultaneously obstructing any view of on coming traffic.

Illegal Parking - McDonald's Parking area

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-11-11

Car parked over 2 parking bays. Inconsiderate parking, careless parking. Adjacent vehicle's car door could not be opened due to how close the car had parked.

Illegal Parking Alexandra Road

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-11-08

Parked 100% blocking pavement outside empty driveway. Schoolchildren are forced to walk on roadway to pass. Asked politely to respect pavement and site supervisor became very aggressive.

2018-11-08 14:00 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence. We’ve sent through your report to the traffic authorities within the various Western Cape Traffic Services divisions.

Illegal Parking

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-11-06

Having issues everyday with oncoming traffic.Lost count of how many times accidents have almost happened on this corner.

2018-11-07 08:15 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence. We’ve sent through your report to the traffic authorities within the various Western Cape Traffic Services divisions.

Illegal Parking Adderley/Strand intersection

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-06-30

Minibus taxis parked in left-turn lane (no stopping) and double parking in ahead only lane, forcing use of the bus lane to get through the intersection or turn left into Strand.

2018-06-30 10:00 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence. We've sent through your report to the relevant traffic authorities within the City of Cape Town Traffic Services division.

Illegal Parking Adderley/Strand intersection

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-06-16

Taxis park in the left lane between Castle & Strand, sometimes double parked blocking 2 lanes. No stopping area. Official rank on other side of Golden Acre. Obstructs Adderley & makes left turn to Strand dangerous.

2018-06-16 11:00 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence. We've sent through your report to the relevant traffic authorities within the City of Cape Town Traffic Services division.

Illegal Parking Old Marine Drive / Adderley St

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-05-06

Travelled in the wrong direction on the "inbound" portion of Old Marine Drive leading to the station and exited onto the traffic circle at the bottom of Adderley St.

2018-05-06 20:45 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence. We've sent through your report to the relevant traffic authorities within the City of Cape Town Traffic Services division.

Illegal Parking 363 Albert Road

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-03-10

It seems that sometimes the enforcers of law and order are actually the problem, not the solution. This police vehicle was parked right over the cycle lane and partially in the street, with no one in the vehicle.

2018-03-10 16:30 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence, Thomas. We've sent through your report to the relevant traffic authorities within the City of Cape Town Traffic Services division.

Illegal Parking Ridge Way, Pinelands

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-02-28

Car parked on a yellow line at the exit of a traffic circle. The yellow line is faded, but you can tell it's there and common sense should have told the driver it was a bad place to park. Cars coming out of the circle were highly inconvenienced.

2018-02-28 13:15 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence, Marc. We've sent through your report to the relevant traffic authorities within the City of Cape Town Traffic Services division.
