Reports by Citizens | Page 4 | SafelyHome

Reports by Citizens

Inconsiderate Driving - Public Transport Main Road

Cape Town
Reported: 2019-11-16

Driver offloads in middle of road causing obstruction. Motorists hoot & the driver ignores, swears at or shows them the middle finger. I have seen this driver do so on multiple occasions. Today he did so all along Main Rd from Kirstenhof to Wynberg.

Inconsiderate Driving - Public Transport Edgemead Drive

Reported: 2019-05-27

Minibus taxi drove in the wrong lane - almost pushing myself and another vehicle off the (driving in the opposite lane) off the road, nearly caused a major accident .

2019-05-27 09:15 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence - we are very happy that you were unharmed! We’ve sent through your report to the traffic authorities within your area.

Inconsiderate Driving - Public Transport Koeberg Road

Cape Town
Reported: 2019-04-05

Hazardous u-turn at a busy intersection during peak hour traffic. Dangerously drops passengers, blocks traffic when it could easily avoid being a hazard by driving into a curb out of traffic.

2019-04-05 07:30 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence. We’ve sent through your report to the traffic authorities within your area. Thank you for your contribution in making our roads a safer place. #BetterTogether

Inconsiderate Driving - Public Transport voortrekker goodwood

Cape Town
Reported: 2019-03-18

Reckless driving.

2019-03-18 15:00 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence. We’ve sent through your report to the traffic authorities within the various Western Cape Traffic Services divisions.

Inconsiderate Driving - Public Transport Boundry Road

Reported: 2018-11-13

Mini bus taxis are using the right only turning lane to turn left into Otto du plessis, this is happening on a daily basis. I do not think I got the vehicle registration licence correct, Please see law enforcement take the necessary action.

Inconsiderate Driving - Public Transport Durban Rd

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-09-13

Overtook on a solid barrier line Your photo upload function does not work. The photo was only 400k and it gives an incorrect error message.

2018-09-14 15:45 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence. We’ve sent through your report to the traffic authorities within the various Western Cape Traffic Services divisions.

Inconsiderate Driving - Public Transport Koeberg service road, ONE WAY STREET

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-09-02

Taxi driving down a one way, almost hitting my parked car that I had to hit my hooter and another car coming out of one way. I told the taxi that it's a one way, he replied saying voetsek why can't I come down this road.

2018-09-02 20:30 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence. We’ve sent through your report to the traffic authorities within the various Western Cape Traffic Services divisions.

Inconsiderate Driving - Public Transport Graaff Avenue

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-08-21

Fully-loaded minibus taxi rat-running through residential area and past primary school.

2018-08-21 12:45 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence. Your report has been sent on to the relevant traffic authorities within the City of Cape Town Traffic Services division.

Inconsiderate Driving - Public Transport M5 Prince George Drive

Reported: 2018-01-17

Taxis driving on sidewalk with pedestrians to avoid traffic.

2018-01-17 10:45 Hi Clive, this is absolutely unacceptable road behaviour and as such, it needs to be taken seriously. We have escalated your report on to the relevant department.

Inconsiderate Driving - Public Transport Voortrekker road

Cape Town
Reported: 2017-08-30

Taxi extremely overloaded, endangering passengers and the taxi gaurd threatened me and wanted to pull a gun out by the drivers door. The taxis route is cape town-bellville via voortrekker road.
