Reports by Citizens | Page 2 | SafelyHome

Reports by Citizens

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Old Oak road

Reported: 2023-05-29

This TAXI was driving in OLD OAK road close to INTERCARE and skipped a RED LIGHT. Then at the Durban Road crossing turned right in front of oncomming traffic

Reckless Driving Bill Bezuidenhout

Reported: 2023-03-21

Drove at high speed behind us, caught up to us and instead of going into the left lane that was clear, deliberately accelerated to give our car a light bump (no damage).

Illegal Parking 15 Radyn Street, outside the Oak Park complex

Reported: 2023-03-10

We were driving towards our complex, only to see two trucks blocking the road completely.

Illegal Parking Bella Rosa Street

Reported: 2023-03-09

Daily there are cars parked on the red line halfway up Bella Rosa Street in Rosenpark. This reduces the entire road to a one-way. I have been logging similar calls just about weekly since beginning December 2022, but nothing changes.

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Carl Cronje drive

Reported: 2023-01-27

Skipping the red light

Reckless Driving Jip de Jager exit & Mike Pienaar Boulevard

Reported: 2023-01-23

Vehicle was speeding through cars, almost hit another car on the Jip de Jager exit. No use of indicators and shouting at other drivers.


Reported: 2022-11-23

The driver had a toddler in the vehicle that was playing on his cellphone and standing between the front seats. The driver was driving between 80-100 kph while this toddler is standing the vehicle. No seat belt or car seat visible

Other Old Oak road

Reported: 2022-11-18

Taxi driver drove recless and speeding up OLD OAK ROAD crossing a robot while red and turned down into Durban road from the wrong lane in front of oncoming traffic.

Other South Street (under the Tienie Meyer Bypass)

Reported: 2022-10-04

A yellow Fiat, small car. If this vehicle is impounded the owner will not be able to pay up the numerous fines issued for being unlicenced and unregistered. Previously it had Free State registration plates.

Reckless Driving Van Riebeeckshof Road

Reported: 2022-09-24

Speeding - video clearly shows I was already driving 60 in a 60 zone.
