Reports by Citizens | Page 23 | SafelyHome


Reports by Citizens

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Van Der Byl street

Reported: 2014-10-18

Taxi sped up behind me as I approached stop at bottom of Van der Byl. I turned right into Van Der Byl and he then sped past me and 3 other vehicles, driving almost the complete length of Van Der Byl in oncoming lane

Reckless Driving - Public Transport de la ray

Reported: 2014-08-15

taxi diver came out of a one way lane stopped in front of traffic turning right blocking traffic that was in coming and turning left, when I tried to indicate to them they swore at me and threatened my life

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Table Bay Boulevard

Cape Town
Reported: 2014-07-01

Taxi was driving in emergency lane at more than double the speed of other traffic. When I tried to block it from driving there the taxi at first went back to the driving lanes and then tried to run into me at least 3 times.

Reckless Driving - Public Transport N2

Cape Town
Reported: 2014-06-26

Illegal driving. Not driving in lane. Creating traffic congestion. SAFELY HOME UPDATE: This issue was forwarded to the Provincial Regulatory Entity for noting purposes, at 12:17 on the 05/08/2014.

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Jan Smuts Drive

Cape Town
Reported: 2014-04-01

Was behind me when stopping for red light. Taxi then overtook in straight only lane, and went through red light, turning in front of me. If I had continued we would have collided.

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Intersection of Broadway Boulevard and Broadlands Rd

Reported: 2014-03-25

I stopped at the RED traffic light at the intersection of Broadway and Broadlands,The taxi approached the intersection from Strand, slowed down and started crossing the intersection while the traffic light was still red, constantly using his hooter

Reckless Driving ,N2

Reported: 2014-03-08

Vehicle approached with high speed and flashing lights, trying to pass on the left hand side and was driving agressively behind us. Road was very busy at the time.

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Traffic light intersection on Main Road and Payne Road

Hout Bay
Reported: 2014-02-14

At the new traffic light intersection on Main Road and Payne Road, taxis regularly use the right turning lane to overtake at high speeds. Several accidents have already been reported and with a school next door a tragedy is waiting to happen.

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Mill Street

Cape Town
Reported: 2014-02-13

At the intersection of Mill st and Buitenkant st this taxi driver drove into the oncoming lane to avoid the queue of waiting vehicles and went straight through the red traffic light with total disregard for everyone's safety and passsengers onboard

Reckless Driving - Public Transport R44 - Blauwklipenweg Robot

Reported: 2014-02-11

On R44 taxi passed a LONG line of cars at the robot while driving in the yellow shoulder, He had his indicator on to turn Left The taxi turned on his hazards and proceeded to cross the red light while cutting infront of all the other vehicles
