Reports by Citizens | Page 27 | SafelyHome


Reports by Citizens

Illegal Parking Pembroke Street

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-09-12

Parking on a yellow line blocking the opposite side of the road garage

2023-09-12 13:00 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Illegal Parking Chiappini street

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-09-12

Two vehicles parking in the road causing obstruction on the road and the other is partially blocking a garage

2023-09-12 11:30 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Reckless Driving N7

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-09-12

Driver tailgated me on the N7, within centimeters of my bumper. I could not change lanes at the time. When there was a gap he swerved around and directly in front of me and slammed on his brakes before accelerating away.

2023-09-13 14:45 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Reckless Driving Baxter Way, Intersection with Heide Court

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-09-11

Driver went straight through the intersection without stopping at the stop sign , turning right into Lebanon Way. The intersection is a 2-way stop, not a 4-way stop, and all drivers on Baxter Way are meant to stop.

2023-09-11 15:00 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Reckless Driving Grove Ave

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-09-08

Driving down a one way road "Grove Ave: in Claremont, then pulls the middle finger at me and refuses to move out the way.

2023-09-08 12:45 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Reckless Driving Corner of Nooiensfontein and Stellenboach Arterial

Reported: 2023-09-07

The female driver moved out of the correct lane(left), sped up to cross the traffic light and crossed straight over from a right only lane. The driver almost collided with another car who was in the correct lane. The driver had two minors in the car.

2023-09-07 08:30 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Reckless Driving - Public Transport

Mitchells Plain
Reported: 2023-09-07

The van Left town centre in Mitchell's Plain.. As we drove along Highlands drive and turning onto Jakes Gerwel, the taxi guard just loaded more and more people. The van was so overloaded, the tyres started smelling like burn.

2023-09-07 07:30 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Reckless Driving Nooiensfontein and on the traffic light of Stellenbosch Arterial and Nooiensfontein

Reported: 2023-09-06

Vehicles drive on the opposite lane passing Wembley Park(WP) enteance causing accidents.Entrance to WP during traffic time causing obstruction.At Nooiensfonteins & Stellenbos Arterial between 7:30am vehicles turn left from the rght only lane

2023-09-06 08:00 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Illegal Parking Coronation Road Maitland

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-09-05

Car parking over drive way. Person attending mosque across the road

2023-09-05 19:15 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Reckless Driving koeberg road, paarden eiland

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-09-05

Swerved into my lane - no indicators, nearly hitting the right hand side of my vehicle. Once in front of me, there is an accident on the left, swerved back into the right lane, and then passing the accident, swerving back in front of me.

2023-09-05 11:15 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.
