Reports by Citizens | Page 35 | SafelyHome


Reports by Citizens

Inconsiderate Driving - Public Transport Cnr Racecourse and Cnr Racecourse and Omuramba Road

Reported: 2023-03-28

Traffic department vehicle CCT 35889 was in the left turning lane, cut of truck in the right lane.

Reckless Driving M5

Southern Suburbs
Reported: 2023-03-25

Reckless driving too close to us and illegal overtaking.

Illegal Parking 99 Kloof St

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-03-23

Parks there every night leaves it through day on spot making delivery difficult for restaurants and ourselves situated at 99 Kloof street.

Reckless Driving N1 Highway

Reported: 2023-03-22

This woman has a child in the car and she was in and out of the yellow line all the time. Almost smashed into other vehicles. When i got the opportunity to get next to her, i saw she was busy typing on her cellpone

Reckless Driving Bill Bezuidenhout

Reported: 2023-03-21

Drove at high speed behind us, caught up to us and instead of going into the left lane that was clear, deliberately accelerated to give our car a light bump (no damage).

Inconsiderate (Legal) Parking Olinia Road Hout bay

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-03-19

My neighbour has started parking in front of her garage, effectively in the middle of our very short road. This means I can no longer do a 3 point turn and drive out of olinia road forwards, onto a very steep blue valley avenue.

Reckless Driving Voortrekker Road

Reported: 2023-03-19

Driving was in a turning lane, and I was in a straight ahead lane, he nearly bumped into me by forcing to join my lane, he proceeded to swear at me for his wrong doing.

Illegal Parking Seaside village shopping centre

Reported: 2023-03-17

The vehicle was parked at pedestrian pathway for a long time. pathway was blocked without opportunity to safely pass.

Illegal Parking 3 Roughmoor road

Southern Suburbs
Reported: 2023-03-17

Parked in road blocking gates and moving cars

Illegal Parking Fir Road, Rondebosch

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-03-17

Car parked totally blocking pavement outside a school forcing learners to walk out onto the road which is busy with parents dropping kids. Photo's are available but not uploading to system
