Reports by Citizens | Page 2 | SafelyHome

Reports by Citizens

Reckless Driving M5 North before Kenilworth off ramp.

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-10-23

The grey polo was undertaking dangerously in the yellow lane and cutting off cars, swerving dangerously, etc and almost caused multiple accidents in the process. He was also threatening other drivers and going bezerk. This person is dangerous.

Reckless Driving N7

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-10-21

Speeding to much

Reckless Driving Lower klipfontein road

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-09-19

I was in the right lane crossing klipfontein road into lower klipfontein when the taxi driver transporting learners tried to cut infront of me. He swirved his taxi towards me twice trying to push me off the road.I had my 3yr old daughter in the car.

2023-09-19 16:30 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Reckless Driving N7

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-09-12

Driver tailgated me on the N7, within centimeters of my bumper. I could not change lanes at the time. When there was a gap he swerved around and directly in front of me and slammed on his brakes before accelerating away.

2023-09-13 14:45 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Reckless Driving Baxter Way, Intersection with Heide Court

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-09-11

Driver went straight through the intersection without stopping at the stop sign , turning right into Lebanon Way. The intersection is a 2-way stop, not a 4-way stop, and all drivers on Baxter Way are meant to stop.

2023-09-11 15:00 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Reckless Driving Grove Ave

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-09-08

Driving down a one way road "Grove Ave: in Claremont, then pulls the middle finger at me and refuses to move out the way.

2023-09-08 12:45 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Reckless Driving koeberg road, paarden eiland

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-09-05

Swerved into my lane - no indicators, nearly hitting the right hand side of my vehicle. Once in front of me, there is an accident on the left, swerved back into the right lane, and then passing the accident, swerving back in front of me.

2023-09-05 11:15 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Reckless Driving M3

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-08-05

Vehicle was driving recklessly and tailgating me on the Ladies Mile to M3 offramp, then proceeded to try and run me off the road once on the M3.

2023-08-07 19:15 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Reckless Driving N1 South onto M5

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-07-21

Tanker travelling at high speed on the bend from N1 to M5 and forced other vehicles to brake at the merge to the M5 to avoid a collision.

2023-07-21 07:30 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Reckless Driving N2 Direction East

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-07-15

The driver of this vehicle was passing in the left lane of the N2 and the cutting in front of my vehicle on 2 occasions with no following distance at all. He will kill someone in future.
