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Reports by Citizens

Reckless Driving M3

Cape Town
Reported: 2015-12-23

Person was weaving between traffic and cusring and gesturing rudely to numerous drivers. All other drivers were travelling at the speed limit, this idiot was either high or drunk, and just being an absolute menace on the road.

Reckless Driving M3 towards muizenberg. Orange Ford ST CA 615 766

Cape Town
Reported: 2015-12-23

Reckless driving. Almost causing accident

Reckless Driving Victoria Rd

Cape Town
Reported: 2015-12-21

The car was continuously driving at high speed, tail gating vehicles and driving recklessly. As you can see in the video he overtakes on a blind corner. A vehicle appears only a few seconds after the jag dangerously overtook vehicles.

Illegal Parking cnr Belladonna and Derry street

Cape Town
Reported: 2015-12-20

Owner parked on cornet and red line and went to the Vredehoek Spar

Reckless Driving Christian Barnard

Cape Town
Reported: 2015-12-18

I was driving from Cape town station, when I taxi forcefully wanted to just swerve in front of me,so I laid on my hooter, after that the taxi driver tried to literally push me off the road, twice he came for me.

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Buitengracht

Cape Town
Reported: 2015-07-10

Turning right into Riebeek the minibus taxi turned into Riebeek illegally from lane on my left hand side, cutting me off & almost colliding with me (this reckless maneuver happens all the time at this intersection).

Reckless Driving Corporation Street

Cape Town
Reported: 2015-07-01

Vehicle failed to stop at the 3 way stop. It is a raised intersection. I was crossing the street. When he actually stopped and I told him that he failed to stop, he told me to take a pic. So here's the report and pic.

2015-07-01 13:45 Good day Miss Walker, thank you for informing us I will take this matter up myself.

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Steenberg road outside pollsmoor prison

Cape Town
Reported: 2015-06-24

Every morning taxi's leave the road and drive on the sandy area next to the road and every morning paedestrians have to scatter to prevent themselves from getting knocked over. Sometimes I notice people with ear phones almost getting knocked over.

2015-06-24 22:15 Good day Miss Gill, I will forward your complaint to the City of Cape Town to attend to this matter urgently. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Regards

Reckless Driving - Public Transport N1 towards Worcester

Cape Town
Reported: 2015-06-12

Driving towards Worcester at 8pm when a Translux bus overtook 2 cars at the same time into oncoming traffic at a speed of more than 120km/h. He then overtook a petrol tanker and a car with a trailer again at the same time into oncoming traffic

2015-06-12 20:15 Thanks Miss Vieyra, will follow up myself Provincial Traffic Services

Other D.F. Malan

Cape Town
Reported: 2015-06-11

I noticed that the child in the car was not wearing a seat belt. He was standing on the backseat. I took the picture after one of the N1 offramps coming into the city, the car was turning left on D.F.Malan.

2015-06-11 12:15 Will forward to City of Cape Town to concerntrate more on this kind of driver behaviour.
