Reports by Citizens | Page 49 | SafelyHome


Reports by Citizens

Reckless Driving Carl Cronje dr

Reported: 2017-03-28

Driver overtakes other cars in emergency lane and then turns left at front

Reckless Driving N2

Cape Town
Reported: 2017-03-27

Driver recklessly swerved in front of other vehicle. Made aggressive hand signs and slammed on breaks forcing vehicle behind him to perform emergency stop on the N2 whilst continuing with threatening hand signs purposely endangering their lives.

Reckless Driving Sunset Drive

Reported: 2017-03-27

Sped across a 4-way stop without yielding or stopping at a speed of about 80km/h (with children in the vehicle).

Reckless Driving Franshoek str

Reported: 2017-03-23

Driver texting on phone while driving

Reckless Driving Victoria and Llandudno just before the lights

Hout Bay
Reported: 2017-03-20

Driver of Jeep cut me off in left hand turn only lane by cutting in front of me as I approached on my tandem with my young daughter as the 2nd person. I had to brake and swerve to avoid him. Video attached.

Reckless Driving Kloof road

Cape Town
Reported: 2017-03-19

Driver/passenger throwing things out the window - a can (which appeared to be a beer can) and some plastic.

Reckless Driving Corner Main road and Bowwood road Claremont

Cape Town
Reported: 2017-03-17

Through red robot

Reckless Driving Carl Cronje

Reported: 2017-03-17

Car skips red light while texting and drving

Reckless Driving Kloof Nek Road

Cape Town
Reported: 2017-03-16

CA 758853 - in Left lane toward town. Moved to Right lane, tailgating me. Due to Traffic volume in my lane & for safety I slowed, they went to the Right lane travelling way in excess of the speed limit swearing and hooting.

Reckless Driving Chapmans Peak Drive

Reported: 2017-03-15

Overtaking on solid white on Chapmans Peak no overtaking zone.

2017-03-16 07:00 This complaint was send to City of Cape Town Traffic Deaprtment
