Reports by Citizens | Page 69 | SafelyHome


Reports by Citizens

Reckless Driving N2

Reported: 2014-04-16

Very aggressive driving. Push me off the road so that he can pass by flashing his headlights and driving on my back. Also overtook on solid lines multiple times and sped through the 60km/h zone in Sedgefield. Displayed various hand signs to drivers.

Reckless Driving R 27, West Coast road

Reported: 2014-02-21

The vehicle drove inconsiderately, tailgating my own and other vehicles. over took 3 vehicles causing oncoming traffic to swerve to prevent a collision whilst traveling south bound from Atlantis to Cape Town on the R27.

Reckless Driving Frans Conradie Drive

Reported: 2014-02-11

Cycling,clearly visible,at red light, heard screeching tyres,bumped from behind. Vehicle too fast, tried to stop, locked brakes could not steer,bumped into me on a 4-lane road. Company refuse to pay damages and delaying to frustrate court process

Inconsiderate Driving Vanguard Drive

Reported: 2014-02-07

On Friday, 7th of February between 8.00 and 8.15 I saw on the road leading into Vanguard Drive a bus with the sign "School Transport", I counted more than 15 children in this vehicle, 3 on the front seat. There might even been more than 20 children.

Reckless Driving Frans Conradie Drive

Reported: 2014-01-10

Cutting in front of other vehicles at Stellenberg Road crossing and at Suikerbossie Street.

Reckless Driving N1

Reported: 2014-01-05

Child standing on the back seat unrestrained while mother drives

Reckless Driving Okavango Road

Reported: 2013-12-02

Driver talking on cellphone whilst driving. Driver overtaking on solid lane at robot intersection, Avalon Estate and overtaking another car on yellow lanes at the next robot.

Reckless Driving Paarl Rural: N1 Eastern Huguenot Tunnel Approach (Hugos River Viaduct)

Reported: 2013-10-05

Overtaking in "No-Trucks-Overtaking" zone en route uphill from Toll Plaza to the Huguenot Tunnel. Location: Hugos River Viaduct. Habitually committed offence.

Reckless Driving Faure Marine Drive

Gordons Bay
Reported: 2013-10-05

I was cycling south, heard a long hoot, two cars overtook me at the same time - Nissan Sentra at high speed across the white line on a blind rise overtaking a white Hyundai.

Reckless Driving Sandown road

Reported: 2013-09-30

Two GLASSMEN bakkies speeding down Gie road ex sandown road, overtaking in single lane traffic with school children around. The other driver sped off at ver high speed and could not get a picture
