Reports by Citizens | Page 39 | SafelyHome


Reports by Citizens

Reckless Driving Strand road

Reported: 2023-02-25

Reckless driving overloaded with kids Changing lanes without indicating almost driving into us and 2 min later same with another vehicle. Driver looks under the influence. Female driver. Vehicle full of kids with no seatbelts

Inconsiderate (Legal) Parking Upper Paradise Road Newlands

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-02-25

Car parks in median between two islands sticking out into road hence blocking one way exit out of the road. Has been reported on neighborhood group but car not moved.

Illegal Parking Argyle road, newlands

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-02-24

Cars parked illegally on wrong side of the road causing traffic in residential areas surrounding the cricket stadium

Reckless Driving Zevenwacht link road

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-02-24

Cars go into the turn lane to go straight. Cuasing on multiple occasions to almost crash into tractors. During the morings for 7:30 to 9 cars do this. Either cones should be put on the lines to prevent cars from passing in the turn lanes.


Cape Town
Reported: 2023-02-23

Parking in front of my property

Inconsiderate (Legal) Parking 3rd Avenue

Reported: 2023-02-22

This vehicle was parked off Infront of my house and did not want to move, he remained parked for more than 30 minutes, while there is parking on the open field 3 meters on the corner of 3rd avenue and plantation road.

Inconsiderate Driving CNR of R60 & Louis Lange Street

Reported: 2023-02-22

I was driving 40km in a 40km/h with road construction when the above mention vehicle started tailgating me.

Illegal Parking 39 Buitenkant street

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-02-22

This car is parked here since Sunday 19th February 2023 and causes a obstruction for our customers using the Buitenkant park parking.

Inconsiderate Driving N7

Reported: 2023-02-22

This vehicle stopped in the roadway to cut in to the queue going towards the N1. He crossed over solid lines and could have caused an accident if the vehicles behind him had not been paying attention

Reckless Driving Bree Street

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-02-19

A driver harassed us by driving in our lane, stopping in the middle of the road, and repeatedly speeding up when we tried to pass. The harassment continued until the driver turned off the road. Other drivers also confronted the driver in mention
