Reports by Citizens | Page 49 | SafelyHome


Reports by Citizens

Reckless Driving Ou Kaapse Weg

City of Cape Town Rural
Reported: 2022-12-26

Shoprite Truck CA90964 just drove straight through compulsory truck safety stop on OU Kaapse Weg

Illegal Parking Hang Ten Drive

Reported: 2022-12-26

Vehicle parked on red line and on pedestrian sidewalk, further obstructing view of incoming traffic and potentially causing an accident and jeapordising pedestrian safety.

Illegal Parking Eden on the Bay

Reported: 2022-12-25

Three vehicles with registrations CA687595 CA310757 CAA41612 parked in front of no parking sign, blocking access to CCT operational facilities, which may have needed access for emergency at any point.

Illegal Parking Gous Street

Reported: 2022-12-23

Illegal parking in front of apartment building and blocking the road.

Reckless Driving M64

Reported: 2022-12-19

Passing on a double line and almost hitting an on coming car. We had to slam on breaks to allow them in because it was bumper to bumper traffic

Reckless Driving N2

Reported: 2022-12-18

Dangerously driving close to intimidate cars in front of him off the road so that he can get past and almost hitting oncoming traffic on busy N2.

Illegal Parking Hang Ten Drive

Reported: 2022-12-17

Parked on the pavement over a solid red line, also obstructing view of turning traffic.

Reckless Driving Main road

Somerset West
Reported: 2022-12-15

Speeding over 100km/h in main road (M9) , and then driving over the red robot crossing at Dunmer street.

Reckless Driving Main Road /Ocean View Road M9

Somerset West
Reported: 2022-12-14

White Female driving whilst on her phone.. Swerved a drove over red traffic light at Pintail Street as can be seen on photo

Reckless Driving N7

Reported: 2022-12-14

This vehicle skipped the queue of vehicles and cut across the solid lines. Yesterday morning a truck almost hit a vehicle doing this because they stop in the slow lane on the N7. It is only matter of time till a major accident happens here
