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Reports by Citizens

Other Belrail Road

Reported: 2016-10-07

Saw an official tossing a cigirette bud out the vehicle window. As a Government official I know that it is forbidden to smoke in any of the GG vehicles not even to discuss the fact that the official is littering and could cause a possible fire.

Illegal Parking 68 3rd Ave

Reported: 2016-05-02

Heavy Duty Carrier at Guesthouse in Residential Area

Reckless Driving Outbound N1 offramp at Plattekloof

Reported: 2016-04-07

Black VW golf, woman driver, big red L in rear windscreen was speeding down the N1. On the off ramp to McIntyre she overtook me on the right, came back into my lane in front of me and stepped on her brakes purposely causing a near accident.

Reckless Driving N1 highway

Reported: 2016-03-02

Driving in fast lane on N1, Ford Transit pulled up in middle lane. No indicating he tried to squeeze into small gap between myself and next car. Hooted at him and then he deliberately swerved forcing me to swerve off the road to avoid being hit

Reckless Driving van riebeeckshof drive

Reported: 2016-01-16

Reckless/dangerous driving on cellphone - swerving (multiple times) out of lane almost hitting other vehicles. Lane change over No Overtaking Painted Yellow Island before the turnoff of Featherhead Rd from van Riebeeckshof Rd

Reckless Driving Jip de Jager

Reported: 2014-08-29

Speeding, weaving through traffic dangerously and Cutting off other motorists

Reckless Driving van Riebeeckshof Road

Reported: 2014-08-10

Reckless driving in suburb. Speeding past 3 vehicles on the wrong side of the road, on a hill with no overtaking markings and around a blind corner. SH UPDATE: 15:06, 11/08/2014 Issue referred to the City of Cape Town.

Reckless Driving N1 South before N1City offram

Reported: 2014-06-05

White Fortuner was speeding and pushed me into the right hand barrier in wet conditions. Luckily there were no obstructions on the shoulder lane and i was able to avoid him and any damage to my and his vehicle. He was aggressive to other cars too.

Reckless Driving Frans Conradie Drive

Reported: 2014-02-11

Cycling,clearly visible,at red light, heard screeching tyres,bumped from behind. Vehicle too fast, tried to stop, locked brakes could not steer,bumped into me on a 4-lane road. Company refuse to pay damages and delaying to frustrate court process

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Old Paarl Road

Reported: 2013-07-23

Taxi forced scooter from right lane into left lane in Old Paarl RD - scooter almost lost control . then swerved in front of scooter and myself, slammed brakes so we all had to brake hard, on wet road.
