Reports by Citizens | Page 32 | SafelyHome

Reports by Citizens

Illegal Parking Central drive

Cape Town
Reported: 2022-01-22

Blocking the entire pavement to park.

Illegal Parking Sunningdale Drive

Cape Town
Reported: 2022-01-21

Driver parked his vehicle in front of parking bay and pedestrian bump. Vacated vehicle with hazards on to collect his daughter. My vehicle was blocked as well as flow of traffic hindered.

Reckless Driving GIE ROAD

Cape Town
Reported: 2022-01-15

2 high speed overtakes over 2 4 way stop streets on GIE ROAD. Almost connected cars in the process. Read the report in the photo.

Inconsiderate Driving Beach Road

Cape Town
Reported: 2022-01-12

Drove his motorised scooter on the pavement from the Sea Point Law Enforcement Office / Pedestrian Crossing all the way to the UpCycles bicycle area on the promenade.

Illegal Parking 1 Surf Street

Cape Town
Reported: 2022-01-04

Parked in front of a private garage

Illegal Parking Acacia road 7

Cape Town
Reported: 2022-01-03

illegal parking

Reckless Driving Beach Road

Cape Town
Reported: 2021-12-28

This driver causes risk to other cars and pedestrians by accelerating recklessly. He also creates noise disturbance in the area.

Reckless Driving Ladies Mile

Cape Town
Reported: 2021-12-06

Vehicle was speeding dangerously, going 120km/h in a 60 zone and overtaking dangerously

Reckless Driving Turfhall Road

Cape Town
Reported: 2021-11-11

Jumped red robot after recklessly speeding past traffic.

Illegal Parking Kuiperskraal street

Cape Town
Reported: 2021-10-23

Illegal vehicle parked illegally
