Reports by Citizens | SafelyHome

Reports by Citizens

Reckless Driving R44

Reported: 2024-04-11

The driver (lady) was driving in the right hand lane at about 40km/h while texting on her cell phone & was completely obvious to me trying to get her attention in order to indicate that she should put the phone down.

Reckless Driving R44

Reported: 2024-02-19

The offender overtook a truck and swerved right in front of me. He just missed me and almost caused an accident.

Reckless Driving 53 Lovell Road

Reported: 2023-09-15

Ignored a stop sign at a 4 way intersection and drove in front of me, as I was pulling off. Lives at De Zelze estate.

2023-09-15 12:30 This report has been submitted successfully and will be escalated to the relevant authority to address.

Reckless Driving R44

Reported: 2023-03-15

The driver of the white Volkswagen singlecab bakkie did not stop behind the line at multiple robots, and after asking the driver if he knew that he was supposed to stop behind the line, he replied with "die reëls tel nie vir my nie".

Reckless Driving Blaauwklippen Road

Reported: 2022-11-05

Extremely drunk motorcycle driver, stopped at Engen for food, stumbling and slurring. We had seen him at the bar taking a shot of tequila and was clearly drinking alcohol and above the legal limit.

Reckless Driving Du Toit Street

Reported: 2022-07-28

Peak traffic, I turned down Du Toit Street and had to slam on my brakes because this taxi was driving up the wrong side of the road towards me.

Reckless Driving c/o Park and Kloofnek

Reported: 2022-03-01

I stopped at the corner of Park and Kloofnek streets. As I started turning left the driver of a white Mr Delivery scooter tried to pass on my left between my car and the pavement. The scooter hit and scraped the side of my car and drove away.

Reckless Driving Helshoogte pass between Stellenbosch and Pniel

Reported: 2020-10-08

Vehicle traveling at high speed on helshoogte, tailgating to such extent that I had to make unsafe transition to the left lane to avoid being pushed into oncoming traffic. Vehicle then proceeded with similar behavior through helshoogte.

Reckless Driving

Reported: 2018-08-28


2018-08-28 15:30 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence. Your report has been sent on to the relevant traffic authorities within the City of Cape Town Traffic Services division.

Reckless Driving R304

Reported: 2018-02-25

Vehicle ran a red traffic light (clearly noticeable in the photo taken) and nearly made contact with a runner, profanity signs ensued.

2018-02-26 11:30 Hi Dylan, thank you for sending this through. People who disobey the rules have no place on our roads. We have forwarded your report on to the relevant authorities.
