Reports by Citizens | Page 2 | SafelyHome

Reports by Citizens

Illegal Parking 77 Vygeboom Road

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-01-15

Blue Ford Fiesta CY 172-040 parking on the street on an incline, forcing drivers to steer into oncoming traffic while accelerating uphill from the traffic lights at sunset making visibility difficult for all drivers

Illegal Parking 3rd Avenue

Reported: 2023-01-14

parked opposite neighbours drive ways, causing obstruction. did not want to move,I told him that I am going to call law enforcement, he started his engine and drove away fast.

Illegal Parking Kloof Road

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-01-10

2 motorcycles parked illegally on the side walk. Bikes are illegally parked in front of Arcadia Steps entrance at 286 Kloof Road. Or illegally parked on our property at 286 Kloof Road and chained to our boundary fence.

Illegal Parking 4 Gous Street

Reported: 2023-01-09

The tenants at this guesthouse keep parking illegaly and blocking the road. They do not care that it is not a designated parking.

Illegal Parking Table Bay Mall

Reported: 2023-01-09

Vehicle parked in disabled parking without permit.

Illegal Parking Beach estate boulevard

Reported: 2023-01-09

Both vehicles parked in disabled parking without permits taking up precious parking space for those truly in need

Illegal Parking Beach Estate Boulevard

Reported: 2023-01-09

Vehicle parked in disabled parking without permit

Illegal Parking Waterkant Street

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-01-09

Vehicle consistently parks on a disabled-only parking bay. The driver does not have a disability permit and is not disabled. This has resulted in people who are actually disabled having to find parking elsewhere. This is a repetitive offender.

Illegal Parking Table Bay Mall

Reported: 2023-01-03

Vehicle parked on disabled parking without having permission to do so.

Illegal Parking Raven Close

Cape Town
Reported: 2023-01-01

The road is very narrow and my neighbour has multiple cars that park directly across my gate which makes it impossible for me to get my car inside sometimes. He has a garage and large driveway that he can also use.
