Reports by Citizens | Page 55 | SafelyHome


Reports by Citizens

Illegal Parking Regent, cnr St Andrews

Cape Town
Reported: 2017-01-26

Parked across m/c bays. Had to park my m/c much further down Regent. Common problem here. Also note expired license disk.

Illegal Parking Barnham Avenue

Cape Town
Reported: 2017-01-25

The vehicle keeps parking on the pedestrian walk, day in and day out. Pedestrians always have to walk on the street. A pedestrian walk is not a parking bay.

Illegal Parking Frans Conradie

Reported: 2017-01-20

Parked on Yellow blocked area, right next to pedestrian crossing

Illegal Parking Frans Conradie

Reported: 2017-01-20

Bakkie parked on the BUS stop, forcing bus to stop in the left lane and hold up afternoon traffic when offloading/loading passengers

Illegal Parking Frans Conradie

Reported: 2017-01-20

Parked on the yellow blocks right next to bus stop.

Illegal Parking Voortrekker Road

Reported: 2017-01-20

Parked on pavement where pedestrians should walk

Illegal Parking Huguenot st

Reported: 2017-01-20

Parked on RED line, facing traffic

Illegal Parking Frans Conradie

Reported: 2017-01-17

Illegal parking accross from PnP in bus stop section

Illegal Parking Park Avenue

Cape Town
Reported: 2017-01-08

Parking on yellow line obstructing entrance

Illegal Parking Victoria Road, Clifton

Cape Town
Reported: 2016-12-18

This person (suspect it is a taxi/uber, as it was dropping of passengers), stopped in the main flow of Victoria Road (at Clifton 3), while blocking all traffic.
