Reports by Citizens | Page 5 | SafelyHome

Reports by Citizens

Reckless Driving Intersection of Birkenhead Drive and West Coast Road (R27)

Reported: 2024-01-07

The photographed truck ran through a red robot at the intersection of West Coast Road and Birkenhead drive, city bound. The truck approached the red robot, slowed down and went through well before it had changed to green.

Reckless Driving Jakes Gerwel Drive

Cape Town
Reported: 2024-01-06

On Jakes Gerwel Drive at Wingfield; the car moved behind me from the left lane as it merged into the middle lane, staying literally inches from my rear, until they overtook in the right lane, and then continued to drive aggressively/impatiently.

Reckless Driving Koeberg

Reported: 2024-01-05

Drove over red light

Reckless Driving Forest Drive Extension

Cape Town
Reported: 2024-01-05

On Forest Drive Extension, the driver failed to stop at a red light by Mupine, and again when turning left at Mutual Road. (They had to stop at Jan Smuts Drive due to traffic).

Reckless Driving N2 south

Reported: 2024-01-03

Vehicle was overtaking dangerously and swerved towards us while overtaking into oncoming traffic. Extremely dangerous driver and will cause accidents but
