Pedestrian Visibility and Awareness | SafelyHome

Pedestrian Visibility and Awareness

Nearly half of all road crash fatalities in the Western Cape are pedestrians. Many of these fatalities could have been prevented if pedestrians were more visible on roads where there is limited lighting and where no safe pedestrian and cyclist facilities have been built.

During the winter months, learners in rural areas are especially vulnerable when they are forced to walk long distances to school along high trafficked roads with poor lighting.

Safely Home Interventions:

As part of an intensive campaign to reduce road crash fatalities among pedestrians, Safely Home, in partnership with the Department of Community Safety and the Western Cape Education Department will look to identify the most vulnerable learners and distribute reflective vests to these learners.

This initiative will be linked to the following projects:

  • Implement engineering solutions at the most hazardous pedestrian locations.
  • To establish local road safety councils that monitors road safety weaknesses.
  • The implementation of road safety awareness programmes.

On 18 July 2012, Safely Home visited Portia Primary School in Athlone, Cape Town, to distribute the Safely Home Reflective Vests to learners as part of our Safe Pedestrian Campaign.

What Can be Done to Improve Visibility?

For cyclists and pedestrians:

  • Wear bright reflective clothing during the day and night.
  • To increase visibility, equip the bicycle with front, rear and wheel reflectors.
  • Reflective strips on coats, trousers and trainers can help you to be to be more visible at night.

For more information on Pedestrian Safety Tips, go to the Road Safety Tips and Facts page.

Media Statement by Minister Robin Carlisle on Child Road Safety.

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An intensive campaign to reduce road crash fatalities amongst pedestrians.

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