Reports by Citizens | Page 64 | SafelyHome


Reports by Citizens

Reckless Driving Bottelary Rd

Reported: 2014-09-11

Very heavy traffic on Bottelary Rd and this person came at high speed on the yellow line to push in front by the Traffic light. SAFELY HOME UPDATE: This Issue was referred to the City of Cape Town at 15:06 on the 11/09/2014.

Reckless Driving Long/Wale intersection

Cape Town
Reported: 2014-09-04

Drove through red light on Long St, turning left into Wale, narrowly missing the traffic that had started to move off inbound on Wale with the green light for Wale. Cell phone held against his right ear by his right hand. Driver was an African male

2014-11-24 11:00 SAFELY HOME UPDATE: This issue was referred to the City of Cape Town at 10:14 on the 24/11/2014

Reckless Driving Doordrift road / corner of St Catherines road, Timour Hall ( Plumstead)

Cape Town
Reported: 2014-09-01

Every day, many taxis using the oncoming turning into St Cathrine lane. Just before Stodels Nursery. Dangerous and high speed - oncoming traffic use the lane for overtaking however its for turning right into St Cathrines - Death Trap

2014-11-24 11:15 SAFELY HOME UPDATE: This issue was referred to the City of Cape Town at 11:03 on the 24/11/2014

Reckless Driving Jip de Jager

Reported: 2014-08-29

Speeding, weaving through traffic dangerously and Cutting off other motorists

Reckless Driving N2

Reported: 2014-08-25

This driver change lane without looking and tried to force his way in . He gave me the middle finger and afterwards overtake he brake on purpose twice .

Reckless Driving Inbound N1 motorway

Reported: 2014-08-24

Car travelled at about 150km/h, weaving through slower-moving traffic, overtaking on the inside and tailgating other vehicles.

Reckless Driving Wale Street / Queen Victoria Street

Cape Town
Reported: 2014-08-16

Car moving E on Wale St went thru red at QVS and nearly hit car turning R from QVS into Wale. Seen before when this light is red and light at the crossing at Wale / St George's Mall is green. This is dangerous; these lights should be synched.

Reckless Driving Viking Road

Elsies Rivier
Reported: 2014-08-15

Driver of said vehicle was tail gating me for quit a while. Thereafter changing lanes, he did so on several occasions without any indicators. The vehicle did not have hazards or sirens on. This is NOT and example to set for the public

Reckless Driving Queen Victoria Street

Cape Town
Reported: 2014-08-15

Taxis often speed up and down this road, despite red buses, film trucks and lots of pedestrians! Please can we have speed bumps? SAFELY HOME UPDATE: 13:43, 18/08/2014 Issue referred to the City of Cape Town.

Reckless Driving N2 incoming, close to Airport

Cape Town
Reported: 2014-08-14

Illegal overtaking in dense traffic, over yellow lines. accident, police and emergency staff.2 lanes closed. Cut in from yellow line too and for. across middle lane into outer lane. Law enforcement logo
