Reports by Citizens | Page 2 | SafelyHome

Reports by Citizens

Inconsiderate Driving - Public Transport Boundry Road

Reported: 2018-11-13

Mini bus taxis are using the right only turning lane to turn left into Otto du plessis, this is happening on a daily basis. I do not think I got the vehicle registration licence correct, Please see law enforcement take the necessary action.

Illegal Parking - McDonald's Parking area

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-11-11

Car parked over 2 parking bays. Inconsiderate parking, careless parking. Adjacent vehicle's car door could not be opened due to how close the car had parked.

Inconsiderate Driving - Blaauberg Road

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-11-11

Turned into turning traffic. Put on brights and drove behind our vehicle for 3km.

Reckless Driving N1 - Sable Rd Exit

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-11-10

Cut in front of me over a solid barrier line to make the exit

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Jakes Gerwel Dr, Goodwood

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-11-10

Both taxis deliberately drove through a red traffic light whilst cars approached from the side.

Illegal Parking Alexandra Road

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-11-08

Parked 100% blocking pavement outside empty driveway. Schoolchildren are forced to walk on roadway to pass. Asked politely to respect pavement and site supervisor became very aggressive.

2018-11-08 14:00 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence. We’ve sent through your report to the traffic authorities within the various Western Cape Traffic Services divisions.

Illegal Parking

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-11-06

Having issues everyday with oncoming traffic.Lost count of how many times accidents have almost happened on this corner.

2018-11-07 08:15 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence. We’ve sent through your report to the traffic authorities within the various Western Cape Traffic Services divisions.

Reckless Driving - Public Transport Forest Dr Extension, Thornton

Cape Town
Reported: 2018-11-06

Overtaking row of cars over a solid barrier line at a pedestrian crossing at speed. This is happening regularly on this stretch of road.

2018-11-14 23:00 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence. We’ve sent through your report to the traffic authorities within the various Western Cape Traffic Services divisions.

Illegal Parking - Marais Street

Reported: 2018-11-05

Second time this vehicle has been parked on this sidewalk preventing people from walking on it.

2018-11-05 08:45 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence. We’ve sent through your report to the traffic authorities within the various Western Cape Traffic Services divisions.

Illegal Parking MCDONALD RD

Reported: 2018-11-02

Second time that this car has been parked like this at this stop sign facing oncoming traffic.

2018-11-02 07:15 Thank you for notifying and reporting this traffic offence. We’ve sent through your report to the traffic authorities within the various Western Cape Traffic Services divisions.
