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Pedestrian Safety and Visibility

Follow these safe walking tips.

Pedestrian Safety and Visibility

Nearly half of all road crash fatalities in the Western Cape are pedestrians. Many of these fatalities could have been prevented if pedestrians were more visible on roads where there is limited lighting and where no safe pedestrian and cyclist facilities have been built.

Pedestrians can increase their safety by making themselves more visible and using safe routes and road crossings where possible.

It is the responsibility of both drivers and pedestrians to exercise safety precautions.

Children and Pedestrian Safety:

In 2011, The Red Cross Children’s Hospital admitted 752 children involved in crashes as pedestrians.

Parents and caregivers need to take special care and follow simple steps to ensure child road safety:

  • Teach children safe traffic behaviour and set a good example.
  • Check regularly to ensure that children remember and follow safety procedures.
  • Plan safe walking and cycling routes with children.
  • Enquire about road safety education programmes at school and reinforce what the schools are teaching.

What Can be Done to Improve Visibility?

For cyclists and pedestrians:

  • Wear bright reflective clothing during the day and night.
  • To increase visibility, equip the bicycle with front, rear and wheel reflectors.
  • Reflective strips on coats, trousers and trainers can help you to be more visible.

Tips for Drivers:

  • Children are the least predictable pedestrians and the most difficult to see. Take extra care to look out for children not only in school zones, but also in residential areas, playgrounds and parks.
  • Adapt your speed in areas where pedestrian activity is high.
  • Before turning, look in all directions for pedestrians crossing. 
  • Be aware of approaching pedestrians before backing-up, especially small children. 
  • Never overtake a vehicle stopping for pedestrians. 
  • Watch for the elderly, who walks slowly and children, who have poor judgement.
  • Be responsible. Always yield to pedestrians